Great Power comes with Great Gratitude
Prophet Sulaiman (AS)
powerful, yet thankful
Powers of Prophet Sulaiman (AS)
Born as
a Prince
Prophet Sulaiman (AS) was the son
of a great prophet ie Prophet Dawood (AS) who was the king of the time.
Prophet Dawood (AS) was blessed by
a kingdom Allah says in Quran
“ O
Dawood ! surely We have made you a ruler in the land…” Quran Sad
Then Allah SWT gave Prophet
Dawood (AS) 19 sons and Prophet Sulaiman (AS) was his (AS) youngest son.
We gave to Dawood Sulaiman, most excellent the servant! Surely he was frequent
in returning” Quran
Sad (38:30)
Surely not directly in line of succession but by the decree of Allah SWT he (AS) succeeded his (AS) father and became the next king.
over jinns
He was also given the power over
Jinns. He utilized them in his service. They carried out his orders. Allah SWT says
in Quran
“…and there were
Jinns that worked in front of him, by the leave of his Lord, and if any of them
turned aside from our command, We made him taste of the Penalty of the Blazing
Fire.” Quran Saba (34:12)
over wind
Allah SWT gave Prophet Sulaiman
(AS) control over the winds he (AS) could perform many tasks cover long
distances in the blink of an eye. Allah SWT says in Quran
"And (We
made) the wind subservient to Sulaiman whereof the morning course was a month's
journey and the course a month's journey." Quran Al-Qamar (54:12)
"So We
subjected the wind to his power, setting fair by his command withersoever he
intended" Quran Sad (38:36)
"And unto
Sulaiman We subdued the wind in its raging.
It flows by his order towards the land which We had blessed And of every
thing We are aware." Quran Al-'Anbya
to animals
The Prophet Sulaiman(AS) was
gifted with the knowledge of understanding the speech of birds, animals and
insects. He was also capable to talk to
them. Allah SWT says this in Quran
(Sulaiman) said: O' People! We have been taught the language of the birds and
have been given (abundance) of all things; this is indeed grace manifest (from
Allah)." Quran An-Naml (27:16)
no one had before or after him (AS)
Prophet Sulaiman (AS) succeeded
his (AS) father ,Prophet Dawood (AS) as a king. He was not a regular king. He
was blessed with the kingdom that no one has ever seen before or after him
(AS).He (AS) asked Allah for three things ie
“It was narrated from ‘Abdullah
bin ‘Amr that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “When Sulaiman bin Dawud
finished building Bait Al-Maqdis, he asked Allah for three things:
1-Judgment that was in harmony
with His judgment, and he was given that.
2- And he asked Allah for a
dominion (kingdom) that no one after him would have, and he was given that.
3- And when he finished building
the Masjid he asked Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, that no one should come to
it, intending only to pray there, but he would emerge free of sin as the day
his mother bore him.”
Reference Sunan An-Nasa'i Book # 8
– “The Book of the Masjids” hadith # 694
In Quran Allah SWT quoted his (AS)
said, “My Lord! Forgive me, and bestow
upon me a kingdom such as shall not belong to any other after me. Verily, You are the Bestower.” Quran Sad(38:35)
The strength of his kingdom’s army was so great that his (AS) army not only consist of normal man power. His (AS)’s army consist of jinns, birds and men.
Allah says in Quran
“And gathered for Solomon were
his soldiers of the jinn and men and birds, and they were [marching] in row " Quran An-Naml (27:17)
great wisdom & justice
The Prophet Sulaiman (AS) like his(AS) father, was blessed
with great wisdom and justice.
Once a dispute arose
between two persons. They were present
before the Prophet Dawood (AS). One of
them said: Sir, the sheep of that person have trampled over my crops. They have grazed and caused me a considerable
loss. It must be compensated by the
owner. The shepherd was very poor. He had nothing except sheep and the damage
done to the crops exceeded the price of the sheep. The Prophet Dawood (AS) ordered the defaulter
to give his sheep to the owner of the land as compensation. Sulaiman, the teen-aged child was listening
to the judgment of his father. He,
respectfully, spoke out: Dear father, undoubtedly, your decision is correct but
it will be handed over to more appropriate if all the sheep are the complainant
for the utilization of their milk and wool only. The respondent should be directed to render
services to the owner of the field until the condition of the damaged fields
restores to the normal position. When it
is done, sheep must be given back to the shepherd. The Prophet Dawood (AS) appreciated this
novel way of awarding justice. Allah SWT mentioned this in Holy Quran He SWT
Dawood (David) and Sulaiman (Solomon)
when they gave judgement concerning the field, when people's sheep had
strayed and browsed therein by night; and We were witnesses to their
judgement. And We made Sulaiman to
understand (the case); and unto each of them We gave judgement and
knowledge." Quran Al-'Anbya
(21: 78 - 79)
Reason why Allah SWT praised him (AS)
In Quran when Satan disobeyed
Allah SWT he said to Allah SWT
said: "Because You have sent me astray, surely I will sit in wait against
them (human beings) on Your Straight Path. Then I will come to them from before
them and behind them, from their right and from their left, and You will not
find most of them as thankful ones (i.e.
they will not be dutiful to You). " Quran Al-'A`raf
(7: 16 - 17)
And in contrast to that Allah SWT
praised Prophet Sulaiman(AS) in the Quran because he (AS) was thankful to Allah
SWT. We learn this from the story mentioned in Quran
When Prophet Sulaiman (AS) was
passing through the valley of ants with his mighty and strong
army he (AS)
heard an ant called out to the other ants to get in hidings lest Prophet
Sulaiman (AS) and his (AS) army crush you without knowing. He (AS) was able to
hear this ant’s call and instead of becoming an arrogant king he (AS) humble
himself, thanked Allah for his ability to hear that call and he ask Allah SWT
to accept him(AS) as His (SWT) slave.
when they came upon the valley of the ants, an ant said, "O ants, enter
your dwellings that you not be crushed by Solomon and his soldiers while they
perceive not. So [Solomon] smiled, amused at her speech, and said, "My
Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me
and upon my parents and to do righteousness of which You approve. And admit me
by Your mercy into [the ranks of] Your righteous servants” Quran
An-Naml (27:18-19)
He had so much power with him (AS)
and still what he wanted for Allah SWT to accept him as His (SWT) servant. In
contrast we have the example of arrogant kings like Namrood (Nimrod),
Phiroon(Pharaoh) they didn’t have half the power Prophet Sulaiman (AS) had. But
instead of following Allah’s command and obeying His (SWT) messengers they
claimed to be Gods and as a result Allah SWT completely destroyed them and made
them a memorandum and an example for the people to come and they become the
signs of destruction.
Reward for Prophet Sulaiman (AS)
It was because of his humbleness and thankfulness Allah SWT gave him (AS) one of the highest ranks he (AS) was called The slave of Allah.
Allah SWT praised him (AS)
numerous times in Quran. Allah says
to David We gave Solomon. An excellent
servant, indeed he was one repeatedly turning back [to Allah ].” Quran Sad(38:30)
Lessons to learn
This means if we could have all the things Prophet Sulaiman (AS) had can not give him (AS) satisfaction because even having all those things in order to satisfy himself, he(AS) desperately wanted something ie to become the servant of Allah SWT.
So in order to achieve that we should also be thankful to Allah SWT for what
He SWT already blessed us with and try to humble ourselves.
Being thankful to Allah has many
benefits one of the main benefits is a very beautiful equation given in Quran
ie if you want increase in anything, thank Allah SWT for what you Already have
He SWT will give you more but if you are ungrateful to Allah SWT then Allah SWT is severe in His
punishment. Allah says in Quran
“ And
[remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely
increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.'
" Quran Ibrahim (14:7)
Great Power comes with Great Gratitude
Reviewed by Mian Hassan

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